Good Sam residents take a trip to Grand Falls Casino

CANTON, S.D. - “They usually tell me what they want to do and we’ll try to make it work,” Good Samaritan Society Canton Activities Director Kathy Van Kley said.

“Just to get fresh air, just to get a change of scenery is really good for them,” Van Kley said.

“I would like to play. I don’t want to get rich, but it doesn’t hurt,” resident Gerty Judstra said.

“You get out and get to see the outside world and see the crop soil grow now this time of the year. I like that,” said resident Bill Johnston.

Highlighting the importance of activities for residents.

“Depression rates go down, which means our med rates go down, there’s a reason to get up every day. I mean, it’s a quality of life and having a purpose for getting up so it’s really important,” Van Kley said.

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