Hastings man celebrates 104th birthday while staying busy

HASTINGS, N.E. – F rederick Paulus may have turned 104 years old Sept. 17, but he doesn’t look a day older than 90.

Paulus, who lives at the Good Samaritan Society - Hastings Village, has kept himself active with daily activities. He walks nearly an hour every morning when the weather is nice and sometimes even twice a day if possible.

After he graduated from high school, Paulus took up welding. He continued welding until he turned 100 in 2017.

“I don’t know if it is luck or anything; I just consider myself fortunate,” Paulus said. “Just exercising every day, I guess, contributes to it — but I keep myself busy, and I’m enjoying what I do to keep busy. I can’t just sit in a chair and do nothing. I was blessed in keeping myself healthy and not do any damage to my body, and I also believe that has contributed in keeping me going.”

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