Hastings organization helps adults with speech and swallowing issues

HASTINGS, N.E. - “For our residents it’s very important for them to communicate with their family, friends, nursing staff, the other therapists,” Good Samaritan Society speech therapist Allison Cooper said. “(It) brings back their quality of life and for those with swallowing they can potentially upgrade and have a better quality of life through their intake of solids and liquids.”

Cooper works with patients like Rene Colon who has been with Perkins Pavilion for the past two months. Rene said he needed help with swallowing properly.

“Big help, nag you all the time, make sure you did it right,” Colon said. “No, not really, she was a great help she will instruct you and help you if you need it and she’ll come and sit during a meal while you’re eating. She’s pretty stringent about making sure you did it right.”

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