Learning the ropes of medicine at Good Sam

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - UND pre-med student Alex Brosnahan is just beginning his journey in medicine and is volunteering his time this summer at Good Samaritan Society.

“It’s really been eye-opening to kind of see how this place operates so it can help better prepare me,” Brosnahan said.

“He’s really exploring what’s out there, what’s available,” Sanford Health Dr. Keri Orstad said.

“A good understanding of how to work with your whole team and how to communicate with that team well because I think that’s something that is learned, it’s not innate, that communication is very important,” Dr. Orstad said.

“Schooling can only get you so far and so this is kind of my baby steps into actually seeing how medicine works,” Brosnahan said.

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