Residents and staff celebrate 101st anniversary for the Good Samaritan Society in Arthur

ARTHUR, N.D. - To celebrate National assisted living week, residents and staff engaged in sweet activities. They spent Monday, Sept. 11, and Tuesday, Sept. 12, picking 80 quarts of grapes from the arbor in the prayer garden in the senior living center's backyard.

"This is time for us to celebrate all that we do throughout the year to improve the lives of those we care for and so this just kind of made us stop and connect with each other and talk about past lived experiences," said Good Samaritan Society administrator Mary Vangerud Leraas.

"I enjoyed the picking and also the peeling and the smashing of the grapes," said resident Karol Dupree. "It kind of reminded me of when my mom and dad used to do homemade canning and make jelly and kind of brought me back to the old days when they used to do that for all of their food."

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