Windom nursing home puts on holiday play to build community engagement

WINDOM, M.N. – In only just a few weeks, seniors at the Good Samaritan Society nursing home in Windom rehearsed for their Holiday Nativity Play. The Windom Methodist Church offered their piano player and donated costumes for the performance.

“Oh, I think it’s really exciting to get everybody together and you know, to get these residents to volunteer,” said Karen Brinkman, who serves as the play’s Narrator. “I mean, I’m a resident, too, but to get everybody to volunteer and be in costume? That’s really something!”

“I’m very excited,” said Rick Frederickson, a coordinator for the event. “I’m excited for them because they’re excited, and it’s just a great time for us to really be together; to enjoy each other’s company -- to focus on the reason for the season and to really just have a good time together and, so, I’m excited for them.”

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