Maple Grove, Minn. – Minnesota volunteer Georgia Helvick is sewing her way through the COVID-19 pandemic and making a difference for employees at a Good Samaritan nursing home in the process.
Georgia is using her sewing skills to make cloth masks for employees at Good Samaritan – Ambassador in New Hope, Minn. Current count: 108 masks. Another volunteer, Pat Renner of Minneapolis, contributed the elastic.
Director of resource development, Sue Klaseus, describes Georgia as “a volunteer extraordinaire.”

“She is a current advisory board member, a valued donor, a former liaison with her church for our chapel completion project and 5th Sunday services, chair of our silent auction event for several years, resident visitor, former pet therapist … and so many other volunteer tasks over the years,” Sue says.
Georgia is also a past winner of the Care Providers of Minnesota Volunteer of the Year award for her efforts at Ambassador and nominee for a Good Samaritan GSS Way Champion award.
“Many thanks to Georgia for her heroic efforts during this time of COVID-19 high needs,” Sue says. “Thanks, too, for Thrivent Action team members and other friends of Ambassador for securing masks through sew-ers and a corporate vendor, for others giving our residents games/books/puzzles and for the recent gift of shields contributed by West Metro Fire, New Hope.
“We are so appreciative of this support by so many.”
If you would like to help a local Good Samaritan location, consider making a gift to their Emerging Threats Fund. 100% of your gift stays local, helping the Society respond to health care threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information in this article was accurate when it was posted. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, scientific understanding and guidelines may have changed since the original publication date. Read more about the COVID-19 vaccines.
The Good Samaritan Society requires masking in its locations. Anyone shown without a mask was either recorded prior to the masking requirement or recorded in a non-patient care area where social distancing and other safety protocols were followed.