7 ways to connect with your grandkids

7 ways to connect with your grandkids

If you’re a grandparent, you know that it’s a role that can bring a lot of joy and fulfillment, beyond just buying your grandchildren candy, toys and other gifts.

Building a strong relationship with your grandkids can keep you mentally and socially engaged – which could help fight depression and memory loss – and provide them with a trusted listening ear.

It can also benefit your children by giving them a helping hand.

Here are seven ways you can spend meaningful time with your grandchildren: 

1. Schedule a 'Grandma and Grandpa date'

Mark it on your calendar so your grandkids know the time is a priority to you.

If you have more than one grandchild, try to set up individualized one-on-one time with each of them.

Emphasize that the date is about spending time together and having fun.

These dates will create meaningful memories and help your grandchildren feel special.

2. Encourage thoughtful conversations

Be ready to ask questions beyond “How was school?” or “What are you up to lately?”

Click here for some great conversation starters.

Giving your grandchildren the opportunity to openly share their thoughts can build trust and deepen bonds.

Remember to resist the urge to lecture or add your opinions.

3. Support their activities

Ask your children to let you know about concerts, plays, athletic games, science fairs and school presentations you could attend.

An extra smiling face in the crowd can give your grandchild a boost in confidence.

If you can’t make it to the event or activity, set up a FaceTime video performance where your grandkids can practice for you. If you don’t live in the same area, long-distance cheers and encouragement are just as supportive. 

4. Stay in the loop

Ask your children to write a cheat sheet with keywords, names and facts about your grandkids’ favorite hobbies – games, music, sports, books, and whatever they’re into currently.

It will give you something specific to talk about with them.

Your grandchildren’s eyes will light up when you ask about the toy or video game they like, or when you get tickets to the opening night of the latest movie.

5. Create a fun storytime

Ask your children what the grandkids’ favorite books are so you can have a few on hand when they visit you.

If you live far away, schedule a FaceTime read-along session with them, or record yourself reading the books so your grandchildren can hear bedtime stories from Grandma and Grandpa.

Don’t know how to FaceTime? Check with your local library or senior center about free classes that might be available to help you learn. Your grandkids might also be able to help.

6. Share a hobby

Teach your grandkids about one of your favorite hobbies, such as gardening, woodworking, cooking or playing piano.

It’s a great way for your grandchildren to learn new skills while you get to share something you love to do.

7. Let kids be the teachers

Ask your grandchildren to teach you something they’re excited about, such as a new game, a fun activity or a favorite subject in school.

Kids will love feeling like the helpful experts, and you might learn something new, too.

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