Hospice care tailored to each patient
Hospice care from the Good Samaritan Society focuses on uplifting every patient’s quality of life so they can experience peace and comfort through the next steps of life’s journey.
Whether you or your loved one receive care at one of our hospice locations, a long-term care center or at home, our experienced care team strives to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support while making sure each patient’s wishes are listened to and carried out.
Hospice care offers what families need most at the end of life so they feel supported and can make the most of the time they have left together.
Have more questions?
- Fill out our contact us form.
- Call us at (866) 507-2213.
- Check out our FAQ below.

Benefits of hospice care
When a patient and their medical team have decided that curative treatment is no longer the focus, we can provide:
- Nursing care: comfort measures, care coordination, pain management, nutrition and hydration maintenance, and assistance with functional disabilities
- Spiritual care: active listening, Bible reading, sharing stories, praying and singing
- Palliative care: medications, equipment and wound care provided by the nursing team
- Dietary services: assess nutritional needs
- Social and activities services: help patients find comfort and joy through various experiences, talk through financial concerns, and address anxiety and fears

Compassionate care with a team approach
The Good Samaritan Society’s hospice caregivers are trained to provide comfort, ease pain and offer hope in the final stages of life. We strive to help manage symptoms and provide relief.
Ultimately, each patient’s choices and decisions are most important – our goal is to simply help them enjoy each remaining day to the fullest.
Our team also provides bereavement support to family members for 13 months after their loved one’s passing.
With a philosophy based on our mission of making sure patients feel loved, valued and at peace, we are honored to serve you and your loved ones.
Read how caregivers are granting the wishes of hospice patients.
Have more questions?
- Fill out our contact us form.
- Call us at (866) 507-2213.

Hospice care FAQ
What is hospice?
Hospice care focuses on the quality of life for people and their caregivers who are experiencing an advanced, life-limiting illness. This specialized care helps them live as fully and comfortably as possible in the last phases of an incurable disease or physical ailment.
The hospice philosophy accepts death as the final stage of life. It affirms life but does not try to hasten or postpone death. Hospice care treats the person and symptoms of the disease, rather than treating the disease itself.
A team of professionals works together to manage symptoms so that a person's last days may be spent with dignity and quality, Hospice care is also family-centered – it includes the patient and the family in making decisions.
Contact us at (866) 507-2213 for more information.
What is palliative care?
Palliative care brings physical and emotional support to patients with severe or chronic illnesses. It focuses on treating the symptoms of a condition to provide pain relief and improve the patient’s quality of life.
Palliative care benefits patients with terminal illnesses as well as ongoing or painful conditions. It is not just for end-of-life care. Patients at all stages of a chronic or difficult illness can benefit from palliative care.
When should hospice be considered?
Hospice care may be an appropriate choice when a person can no longer benefit from curative treatments and has a limited life expectancy, as diagnosed by a physician.
Hospice service begins when the patient, physician and family decide it is best.
If the patient or family member's situation changes, the patient's condition improves, or the disease goes into remission, the patient can be discharged from hospice services, yet resume services at a later date if needed. Read the truth about hospice.
Contact us at (866) 507-2213 for more information.
How do I pay for hospice care?
Hospice care is generally fully reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid and many other types of health plans, including private insurance.
Please refer to this information regarding Medicare hospice benefits.
Be sure to check with your insurance provider before making a decision about hospice services.
Read an overview of the senior care and services that Medicare covers.
What does Medicare cover?
To qualify for hospice care, a hospice doctor and your doctor (if you have one) must certify that you’re terminally ill, meaning you have a life expectancy of six months or less.
You must accept palliative care (for comfort) instead of care to cure your illness. You also must sign a statement choosing hospice care instead of other Medicare-covered treatments for your terminal illness and related conditions.
Coverage includes:
- All items and services needed for pain relief and symptom management
- Medical, nursing and social services
- Drugs
- Certain durable medical equipment
- Aide and homemaker services
- Other covered services, as well as services Medicare usually doesn’t cover, like spiritual and grief counseling
A Medicare-certified hospice usually gives hospice care in your home or the facility where you live, like a nursing home.
Hospice care doesn’t pay for your stay in a facility (room and board) unless the hospice medical team determines that you need short-term inpatient stays for pain and symptom management that can’t be addressed at home.
These stays must be in a Medicare-approved facility, like a hospice facility, hospital or skilled nursing facility that contracts with the hospice.
Please refer to this information regarding Medicare hospice benefits.
What is hospice care at home?
Most hospice care is centered in the home, however, there might be times when you need to be in a hospital, extended-care facility or an inpatient hospice center.
Your home hospice team can arrange for inpatient care and will stay involved in your care and in communication with your family. You can go back to in-home care when you and your family are ready. There is always someone on call to help you with whatever need may arise.
Hospice care assures you and your family that you are not alone and can get help at any time.
Do I need a referral?
You do not need a referral to receive hospice care. Talk with your physician and family to decide where you would like to receive care.
Then determine if you prefer to receive hospice care at home or in a hospice location. You or your family can call to schedule a tour or find answers to your questions.
Providers can contact us at (855) 446-1862 for more information.
Medical and nonmedical home-based services
Home Health
Our home health services focus on the medical assistance you need including medication management, rehabilitation services, wound care, social work and other medical treatments.
Home Care
Sometimes referred to as "private duty care", home care from the Good Samaritan Society provides the assistance you or a loved one may need with daily routine activities not associated with medical care. This may include everything from light housework and preparing meals to running errands and companionship.
Telehealth is in-home technology so your caregiving team can better communicate and assist in your care from a remote location. Telehealth medical devices fulfill a range of functions from monitoring blood pressure and pulse to medication reminders and answering simple questions.
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